Our Clients 2018-12-15T15:29:08+00:00

Our Clients

Intellectual Property Right is quite important in printing industry. Yiu & Associates,. Solicitors take an important role to advising us on the professional knowledge of Intellectual Property matter. Yiu & Associates, Solicitors also advise us on Trade Description Ordinance. It ensures our sustainability and minimize our legal risk. We are happy to be a partner with a long term relationship to them.

Chris Chan, Founder @ e-banner


Kevin Shee, Founder @ SC STORAGE

The importance of legal compliance grows with the company. In Snapask, the accelerating growth in different parts of the world requires us to pay extra attention to our legal healthiness in order to ensure business sustainability. Yiu & Associates is our companion in tackling legal challenges to ensure interest of all our stakeholders, and is a partner that we would be confident to build a long-term relationship with.

Timothy Yu, Captain @ Snapask (Holding) Inc.

As startup founders & investors, we are very well aware of the legal landscape and limitations of all our projects. Yiu & Associates takes an entrepreneurial approach by consulting us on how to overcome legal risks as opposed to telling us what is legal and what is not. Very helpful for disruptive entrepreneurs!

Aaron Lee, Founder @ Dash Service Suites

As a company with more than 20 years in business, it might require a lot of cooperation and assistance in many ways to stand firm. With a team of professional, sophisticated legal consultants to serve is hence becoming indispensable. The team may provide expertise with professional advice, help minimizing investment risks and protect the benefits of the company – Yiu & Associates is your smart choice.

Benny Yeung, CEO @ 彩豐行 Choi Fung Hong

Spa collection Group highly recommend Yiu and Associates, Solicitors for Legal Consultant, their teams are enthusiastic and professional, they provide us a valuable seminar for Trade Description Ordinance and always helpful in providing practical advise to our group and beauty industry, they made a substantial contribution to our beauty industry.

Maggie Kwok, CEO @ Spa Collection Group

榴槤BB 作為一間短時間內急速發展、業務遍布中國、新加坡、馬來西亞、泰國、香港及澳門的垂直型榴槤食品企業(由果園、工廠生產、 推廣以至零售),遇到的挑戰與機遇,遠遠超過我們兩年前初創時的預期。 面對急速發展及不同的挑戰時,Yiu & Associates., Solictors 團隊,除了提供專業的法律意見外, 更讓我們感到萬分安心的是他們一直把我們的問題,當作他們自己的問題處理;他們把我們的生意,當作他們的生意那麼緊張看待。 能夠找到 Yiu & Associates., Solictors 團隊幫手是我們的幸運。誠意推薦!

KK Yuen, Founder @ DurianBB

陽光洗衣集團作為全香港分店最多,接觸客戶層面最廣的洗衣公司,在業務發展中,不時需要專業法律意見,包括,合約制訂,特許經營、版權、知識產權,等等。 姚文鑫律師行是我和我的管理層團隊最為喜歡聘用的,他們具有經驗而且充滿熱誠的同事,為我們提供快捷、可靠的專業意見。 對於我們正在起飛中的業務,擔當著重要的角色。

Apple Kong, 集團總監 Group Director @ Sunshine

Enterbay 經常與不同國際品牌及公司合作,對商業法律服務及品牌維護服務的要求都很高。 姚文鑫律師行對商業法律及知識產權的熟悉及專業態度都有很好的水平,這正符合我們的需要,我們一直信任他們的出色表現, 令我們很放心讓他們處理公司內的法律事宜及作出諮詢,他們對商業法律的了解及熟悉,也大大加快了商務合作上的發展; 對我們而言,姚文鑫律師行絕對是一個穩健專業的強大後盾!

Bill Chan, Founder & CEO @ Enterbay

Beacon Group, as an educational institution, should set an example of being law-abiding to the public, where Yiu & Associates Solicitors plays a vital role. Apart from preventing us from legal disputes, it also helps to safeguard our legitimate rights through its long-standing experience. We can rest assured in this regards and highly recommend Yiu & Associates Solicitors to whoever needs it.

June Leung, Founder @ Beacon Group

As a digital agency, we are serving quite a lot clients on mobile applications design and development since 2010, the project scope and contract are very imperative to nail down the details and deliverables, thus we choose Yiu & Associates, Solicitors on our contracts drafting and review. Their excellent professional service was giving us a big help on every deal, we are delighted to have such a valuable partner.

Rick Woo, CMO @ Four Directions

草姬國際有限公司是捍衛香港人健康為己仼的公司,一直研製高質素的保健産品。我們嚴選每一位合作伙伴,包括我們的法律團隊姚文鑫律師行, 都是一群高質素又專業的法律界人士,為草姬處理一切符合香港法律要求的事務。

Gammy Kwok, CEO @ Herbs Generation International Ltd.


Jacky Kwan, Director @ Bamboos Professional Nursing Services Limited